
27 October 2013

Dinosaur carry bag with play mat

Here's the dinosaur carry bag with play mat I made. I think the pictures mostly speak for themselves.

I drew a lot of inspiration from this beautiful play mat, although the lack of black felt meant we had to have a sinking sand pit, rather than a tar pit.

The making of:

The finished bag: 


  1. Hi there, I was looking for a way to get in touch with you about one of your pictures, but I can't seem to find anything. I'm also terrible when it comes to blogging related things, so I probably just don't know where to find it.

  2. Hi Michael, Thanks for your comment. Which picture were you interested in? Cheers, Sally.

    1. Hi Sally, I was looking at the picture of salt crystals from this post:

      I am participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and I just wanted an image to represent the story I plan to write. It will probably never be published or even read by anyone but me, but I still thought that it would be a good idea to ask!

    2. Hi Michael, Happy to try and help you out, what are your contact details? Cheers, Sally


  3. Hi! I just found your dinosaur playmat via Pinterest. I just love it!!! Would you by any chance have made a pattern that you would be willing to share? It would be just the thing to make for my boy for our summer holiday :D

    1. Hi Fred. Thanks! Sorry, but I just made it up as I went along. It's about the width of a piece of A4 paper, (because that's the size that the felt came in). The rest I just cut out the pieces and put them in place to see how they'd look and then sewed them on once I was happy. Sorry I couldn't be more help! Please come back and share if you put something together though, I'd love to see it :).

  4. Hey Sally don't be sorry, I just wanted to give it a shot ^^ I can also improvise while looking at your pics. Will probably make it from fabric rather than felt though to make it more easily washable.
    I will post you a link to my blog when I get round to making it :)
