
30 November 2012

Recycled Christmas Pompoms

Mr 5's school class are making a Christmas tree decorated entirely in things made from recycled material. Here's a tutorial for some chocolate wrapper pompoms I came up with.

Take 2 empty chocolate wrappers.

 Cut them in half.

Pile them together and use a small piece of sticky tape at each end to stop them from getting away from you.

Carefully cut small slits on each side of the wrapper. The slits need to stop just before the centre line (so that you don't end up with many small strips of wrapper).

Roll the wrappers up.

Tie them up with a piece of string or wool, pulling them together as tight as you can.

Fluff them up, and they're ready to hang!

25 November 2012

Christmas Tree Craft

I needed something for the kids to do last week, and so we made our own paper Christmas tree which the kids decorated with stickers. They had such fun, I thought I'd draw one up that I could use for playgroup craft. I thought I'd share the printable tree for anyone else looking for a super easy Christmas craft. Just print it off and find some cheap little Christmas stickers. Alternatively draw your own on a large sheet of paper.

Free printables:

16 November 2012

Toilet Roll Art

Rainbow fun with a white toilet roll.