
15 July 2012

Plane Trip Bingo

I noticed that there are plenty of scavenger hunts out there for road trips, but not so much for in a plane. So here's a scavenger hunt I made for in a plane and thought I'd share. It should be relatively easy. Download the Plane Trip Bingo here (for free, although I always appreciate a comment!)

Or see one of my other plane scavenger hunts:
Meal Time Plane Bingo
3 Somewhat Tricky Plane Bingos

1 comment:

  1. I love this Super Bowl Bingo idea from Kelly of Studio DIY! Sometimes during the game, the kids get a little restless. This is the perfect activity to keep them interested! Throughout the game & commercials, they can look for the items on the cards. The first person to get 5 in a row wins! You can download your FREE Bingo cards here. online bingo
