
05 May 2012

Rainbow Taggy Toys

I have a bit of a soft spot for rainbows, and so when Becced posted this picture of a rainbow lion taggie at about the same time as we were expecting three new babies from friends and family, I just couldn't resist having a go myself.

They were very quick and easy, simply a matter of sewing on a little face (I used fleece and a little bit of embroidery so I wouldn't have to hem anything), pin around lots of ribbons, and then sew it together. I added some bells in the middle of the stuffing to give them an extra jingle. For more detailed instructions, here's a great tutorial.

The hardest thing was getting a photo of them without Miss 2 cuddling them.


  1. Dear Sally, the rainbow taggy toy is wonderfull. Thomas is starting to hold the taggy toy with two hands now. It is very cute.
    Lots of love, macel, carin, steven, alyssa and of course from thomas

  2. Hi Sally,

    There is another boy in Holland who really loves his rainbow taggy toy!

    A big hug from Koen!

